Aunt Aubs was excited to come over and hold Cambree. Aubs and I have been best friends for years and years...
This is Cooper. Cambree's Godfather! Cooper was my boyfriend until Keri swept me off my feet ;)
Kimball came over too..
This is Loraine, the baby soother. We just love the Thatcher family! They are more like extended family to us!
Cartblooms in the house! Kayleen and Stephie came over to hold Cambree!!
Uncle Justin! He is one of the most awesome people you'll ever meet!
Stephie again ;)
Uncle Cory even came over for a visit. This is my moms brother!
Cambree sure loves all of her fans! Thanks to everyone who came and visited us!! (Jerrilynn visited us with her family but somehow we didn't end up getting pictures of it! :(
I've been married for five years now and we have three gorgeous kids to show for it! We fill our days with sports, reality tv, and NCAA football on the Xbox! Keri's in the Air Force and we currently live and play in North Carolina!! Cambree will be 3 next month and the twins will be ONE! It is one fast paced, never dull, full of plenty of diapers life we are leading!
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